Michelle and Jacob Wedding    
Dimensions: 22 W x 15 H

This Painting is in Private Collection - Prints Available


This wedding painting was a commission. It took place at the Olmsted. It was a beautiful reception. Michelle and Jacob are a very sweet couple. It was a joyous occasion. I was commissioned to do this painting two or three months before the wedding. It started with meetings with the bride, going to the reception venue and checking out the layout. The planning stages for the painting had begun.  I actually began setting up 2 hours prior to the reception to sketch and paint but also to take photo references for use in the studio later. As the guests and wedding party arrived, I took more photo references. I spent 130 hours doing this watercolor painting of their wedding reception, finishing it in my studio. I wanted to capture the joy, the love and special moments with their guests. I also made sure to put their favorite band, Endless Summer, in the painting!! i hope it brings them many years of joy!  They will have it for a lifetime.