Plein Air Painting | Kentucky Scenes | Water Scenes | Oil | Bridges Pape's Lake Dimensions: 18 W x 14 H ADD TO CART $450.00 (Original) 450.00 Description This is a scene from Pape's Lake. It is a beautiful area with a lake for fishing. There is lots of wildlife there, both in the woods and the lake. I painted this in oil from life, a plein air painting. Related Items... A Familiar Place Goddard Covered Bridge Biking in Maine Dover Covered Bridge A Longshot Bridge in Murren Chicago Poolside - Time For Florida Koi Commission Aqua Fish Jonathan (an Abstract) Confetti Palm Coconuts Golden Slippers Freight by Barge Seal Pup Girl at La Jolla Beach Seascape II Jellyfish I Guana Make A Change A Day in the Islands Seascape by the Pier Seascape IV Egret Lighthouse Point