Caligraphy Pen | Pen & Ink | People | Black & White Roadster ADD TO CART $225.00 (Original) 225.00 Description This drawing/painting is a scene from Quad Night in LaGrange. The vintage cars are charming. I think the intense scrutiny by the owner shows his true love of this car. Related Items... Two Goats on a Mountain St. James Court Blue Heron Reflections Friends at the Fencepost Early Morning in Murren The Roots Big Four Burgers + Beer Indiana Barn Buffalo Calf Corvette Seneca Park Bridge & Cardinal Here's Looking at You Carly Rae’s Hunkered Down on the Ohio Chalet in Murren Ponytail Palms Martini’s Caligraphy Pen Irises Four Square- Animals Singing Her Sorrow Tropical Guests Penguins in San Diego Mission in Sonoma Buffalo in Snow Agave II